Why dog?

Liking hot dogs is weird enough, but OBSESSING over them? That's a different type of bizarre. Luckily, I like to embrace the weird. I see hot dogs as so much more than delicious mystery meat between a lazily sliced bun. They're the perfect depiction of the two most important things to me; Community, and culture. 

Nothing I love more than meeting a fellow dog over. The bond I share with people excited to follow my hot dog Instagram is stronger than that of most of my family members. Neighborhood cookouts, 2AM street dogs, easy family dinners, all beautiful examples of how hot dogs unite people. I'll take any excuse to feel closer to those around me, and these wiggly condiment servers are the perfect way to bring a group of people together.


The Vienna Beef company has been making hot dogs in Chicago since 1893. I've only been enjoying since 2002 but I still appreciate the history behind the Chicago dog. Chicago culture is a huge part of who I am. I will forever be grateful for this delicious reminder of my city that can be found in all corners of the world. 
